explore Our Products

Ignite your creativity with LED technology: Check out our amazing selection of professional LED spotlights

LED Retrofit for ETC Source Four

With HPLED II, switch to LED efficiency without replacing your existing Source Four Profile

LED Retrofit for Robert Juliat

With HPLED RJ, switch to LED efficiency without replacing your existing Robert Juliat Profile

LED Retrofit for ARRI STUDIO 2000

With HPLED AR, switch to LED efficiency without replacing your existing ARRI STUDIO 2000

LED Retrofit for De Sisti LEONARDO 2kW

With HPLED DE, switch to LED efficiency without replacing your existing LEONARDO 2kW Fresnel

Lites Profile

Illuminate with precision: LED profile spotlights for defined contours and high energy efficiency

Lites Fresnel

The art of lighting meets LED technology: Fresnel Spotlights for soft, wide stage lighting with energy efficiency